Corporate News
21 Jun 2021
Peako was awarded Contract HY/2020/08 “Flyover from Kwai Tsing Interchange Upramp to Kwai Chung Road”

We are very pleased to have secured contract No. HY/2020/08 “Flyover from Kwai Tsing Interchange Upramp to Kwai Chung Road” with HKSAR Highways Department.

This 44 months contract mainly comprises the construction of an approximately 370 meters long single-lane vehicular bridge between the southbound fast lane of Tsuen Wan Road (near Kwai Tsing Interchange upramp) and Kwai Chung Road and widening of an approximately 85 meters long section of the southbound traffic lane of Tsuen Wan Road between Kwai Tsing Interchange upramp and Kwai Chung Road.