Provision of Lifts/Ramps to Four Footbridges across Aberdeen Praya Road and Yue Shi Cheung Road, across Tsuen Wan MTR Depot near Mega Trade Centre, across Castle Peak Road near Fou Wah Centre and across Choi Yuen Road and San Wan Road at Pak Wo Road, and Two Subways across Ching Hong Road near Mayfair Gardens and across Tai Po Road near Fo Tan Road
Client : Highway Department
Period : 2012-2016
The works mainly comprise the construction of a total of six passenger lifts, one escalator and two ramps to four footbridges and two subways; demolition of two staircases and one stepped ramp; structural modifications of the footbridges / subways / staircases / stepped ramps, associated geotechnical, lighting, drainage, utilities diversion and electrical and mechanical works. All works were successfully completed with commendation from respective District Councils and Highways Department for early completion and opening the facilities for public uses as well as outstanding safety performance during construction.