Hong Kong Housing Society Contract

Main Contract of Footbridge across Tuen Mun River

Client : Hong Kong Housing Society

Period : 2013-2016

Peako was awarded the contract to construct a new footbridge connecting the Tuen Mun Park and the Tin Hau Temple Plaza across Tuen Mun River Channel as part of the Tuen Mun River Beautification Project and the improvement works in Tin Hau Temple Plaza. The project was partly funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Project key deliverables include:

  • Construction of a three-span prestressed concrete footbridge with cover, with a total length of approximately eighty-five metres and a footway width of six meters, across Tuen Mun River and associated sub-structures
  • Provision of two pavilions at footbridge with display panels for heritage exhibition purpose; and
  • Ancillary civil, geotechnical, architectural, utilities diversion, lighting, landscaping, drainage works and other related works.